Data Analysis Tools (DAT) Training

The Data Analysis Tools (DAT) service allows members of a Secure Computing Data Storage (SCDS) group file share to create, operate, and decommission virtual machines in a secure environment that allows the processing of on-site research data that is classified as Level 4, based on the University of Calgary's Information Security Classification Standard, in an effective and secure way that aligns with the University of Calgary policies.

The following materials give you a broad overview of the Data Analysis Tools (DAT) service and step-by-step instructions for all the use-cases you will encounter while using this service.

User guides

A user guide on how to use the Data Analysis Tools (DAT) service is available.

Frequently asked questions

In this document you will find answers to the typical questions users might ask regarding DAT.

Training videos

Here you will find a series of videos, each covering an individual use-case. Start by watching the introductory video (inside the 0 – Introduction folder) and then find videos for the use-cases you are looking for (these will be found within the other folders alongside the 0 – Introduction folder).